G Dor, R Shandler, MA Gomez, D Canetti
Fear over facts: how preconceptions explain perceptions of threat following cyberattacks
Journal of Information Technology & Politics, 1-16
I Khatib, M Hackner, A Rubin, D Canetti
Conflicting Identities? Self-identification in Conflict Settings: Evidence from Israel and Arab States
Ethnopolitics 23 (4), 356-385
KLG Snider, A Hefetz, D Canetti
Terrorized by Immigration? Threat Perceptions and Policy Preferences
Terrorism and Political Violence 36 (4), 552-566
S Fachter, P Ben-Nun Bloom, D Canetti
Protests by political activists around friction points may backfire: Evidence from checkpoints in the West Bank
Peace and Conflict: Journal of Peace Psychology 30 (2), 198
Arsenault, Amelia C., Sarah Kreps, Karen L.G. Snider & Daphna Canetti 2024.
Cyber Scares and Prophylactic Policies: Cross-National Evidence on the Effect of Cyber Attacks on Public Support for Surveillance
Journal of Peace Research.
Shandler, Ryan & Canetti, Daphna. 2024.
Special Issue Introduction: Cyber-Conflict - Moving from Speculation to Investigation
Journal of Peace Research.
Bluman, M., Snider, K. L. G., Baratz, G., Cohen, A., Canetti, D., & Hasler, B. S. 2023.
Virtual reality-based joy induction: The role of interactivity and prior mood
Cyberpsychology, Behavior, and Social Networking.
Snider, Keren L.G, Hefetz, Amir, Canetti, Daphna. 2023.
Terrorized by Immigration: Threat Perceptions and Policy Preferences
Terrorism and Political Violence.
Khatib, Ibrahim, Hackner, Mika, Rubin, Aviad, Canetti, Daphna. 2023.
Conflicting Identities: Self-identification in Conflict Settings: Evidence from Israel and Arab States
Shandler, Ryan, Gross, L. Michael, Canetti Daphna. 2023.
Cyberattacks, Psychological Distress, and Military Escalation: An Internal Meta-Analysis
Journal of Global Security Studies.
Matzkin, Sharon, Shandler, Ryan, Canetti, Daphna. 2023.
Cyber-Attacks will not Erode Trust in Government: A Tripartite Survey-Experiment
The British Journal of Politics and International Relations.
Hertz, Uri. Snider L.G. Keren, Levy, Adi, Canetti Daphna and Gross Michael. 2022.
To shoot or not to shoot: Experiments on moral injury in the context of West Bank checkpoints and Covid-19 restrictions enforcement
European Journal of Psychotraumatology.
Shandler, Ryan., Gross, Michael L., Backhaus, Sophia., Canetti, Daphna. 2021.
Cyber Terrorism and Public Support for Retaliation - A Multi-Country Survey Experiment
British Journal of Political Science.
Shandler, Ryan., Gross, Michael L., Canetti, Daphna. 2021.
A Fragile Public Preference for Cyber Strikes: Evidence from Survey Experiments in the United States, United Kingdom and Israel
Contemporary Security Review.
Saltzman, Y. Leia, , Canetti, Daphna, Hobfoll, E. Stevan, Hall, Brian. 2021.
The Impact of Political Violence on Posttraumatic Stress Symptomology: a Longitudinal Analysis
Anxiety, Stress & Coping.
KLG Snider, R Shandler, S Matzkin, D Canetti
The Political Psychology of Terrorism
The Oxford Handbook of Political Psychology
Fachter, Shani., Schiavo, Gianluca., Levi-Ganani Snider., Cappelletti, Alessandro., Stock, Oliverio., Weiss, L., Patrice., Zancanaro, Massimo., Canetti, Daphna. 2021.
Come and share a story with me: Promoting engagement between Ethiopian and Non-Ethiopian Israelis via joint digital narratives
Technology in Society.
Snider, Keren LG., Shandler Ryan Zandani, Shay., Canetti, Daphna. 2021.
Cyber Terrorism, Cyber Threats and Attitudes toward Cybersecurity Policies
Journal of Cybersecurity.
Elad-Strenger, Julia, Hall, Brian, Hobfoll, Stevan, Canetti, Daphna. 2020.
Explaining Public Support for Violence against Politicians during Conflict: Evidence from a Panel Study in Israel
Journal of Peace Research.
Canetti, Daphna, Gubler, Josh, Zeitzoff, Thomas. 2020.
Motives Don't Matter? Motive Attribution and Counterterrorism Policy
Political Psychology.
Canetti, Daphna, Khteeb, Ibrahem, Rubin, Aviad, Wayne, Carly. 2019.
Framing & Fighting: The Impact of Conflict Frames on Political Attitudes
Journal of Peace Research.
Shandler, Ryan, Canetti, Daphna. 2019.
A Reality of Vulnerability and Dependence: Internet Access as a Human Right
Israel Law review.
Inbal Zipris, Pliskin, Ruthie, Canetti, Daphna, Halperin, Eran. 2019.
Breaking the cycle? Exposure to war and Support for Aggressive Policies: The Role of Emotion Dysregulation
Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin.
Shandler, Ryan, Gross, L. Michael, Canetti, Daphna. 2019.
Can You Engage in Political Activity Without Internet Access? The Social Effects of Internet Deprivation
Political Studies Review.
Vashdi, Dana. R., Navot, Doron., Lavi, Iris, Hobfoll, Stevan, Canetti, Daphna. 2019.
Does Political Efficacy Buffer the Heightened Risk of Posttraumatic Stress in Disadvantaged Communities
Journal of Traumatic stress.
Hirsch-Hoefler, Sivan, Vashdi, Dana R., Lowe, Robert D., Muldoon, Orla, Hobfoll, Stevan E., Canetti, Daphna. 2019.
Status Symmetry Effect: The Association of Exposure and PTS in Israel-Palestine and Northern Ireland
Terrorism and Political Violence.
Ben-Nun Bloom, Pazit, Kimhi, Shaul, Fachter, Shani, Shamai, Michal, & Canetti, Daphna. 2019.
Coping with Moral Threat: Moral Judgment amid War on Terror
Journal of Conflict Resolution.
Zancanaro, Massimo, Stock, Oliviero, Schiavo, Gianluca, Cappelletti, Alessandro, Gehrmann, Sebastian, Canetti, Daphna, Shaked, Ohad, Fachter, Shani, Yifat, Rachel, Mimran, Ravit, Weiss, Patrice L. 2019.
Evaluating an Automated Mediator for Joint Narratives in a Conflict Situation
Behaviour & Information Technology.
Canetti, Daphna, Cavari, Amnon, Rapaport, Carmit, Shalev, Hadar, Hobfoll, Stevan. E. 2019.
Individual Exposure to Terror and Political Attitudes: A Physiologically-Based Model of Militancy
Terrorism and Political Violence.
Fischer, Agneta, Halperin, Eran, Canetti, Daphna, Jasini, Alba. 2018.
Why We Hate
Emotion Review.
Canetti, Daphna, Hirschberger, Gilad, Rapaport, Carmit, Elad‐Strenger, Julia, Ein-Dor, Tsachi Rosenzveig, Shifra, Pyszczynski, Tom, Hobfoll, Stevan E. 2018.
Collective Trauma from the Lab to the Real World: The Effects of the Holocaust on Contemporary Israeli Political Cognitions
Political Psychology.
Khteeb, Ibrahem, Canetti, Daphna, Rubin, Aviad. 2018.
Conflict Perception: A New Scale with Evidence from Israel and Palestine
International Journal of Conflict Management.
Hou, Wai Kai, Canetti, Daphna, Ma, Tsz Wah; Hall, Brian J., Lau, Kam Man, Ng, Sin Man, Hobfoll, Stevan E. 2018.
What Predict Threat Perceptions Toward People Opposing to the Government? A Population-Based Study Following Umbrella Movement, Hong Kong
Journal of Social and Political Psychology.
Alan (Avi) Kirschenbaum, Carmit Rapaport, Daphna Canetti. 2017.
The Impact of Information Sources on Earthquake Preparedness
International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction.
Canetti, Daphna, Gross, L. Michael, Waismel-Manor, Israel, Levanon, Asaf, Cohen, Hagit. 2017.
How Cyber-Attacks Terrorize: Cortisol and Personal Insecurity Jump in the Wake of Cyber Attacks
Cyberpsychology, Behavior, and Social Networking.
Canetti, Daphna, Elad-Strenger, Julia, Lavi, Iris, Guy, Dana, Bar-Tal, Daniel. 2017.
Exposure to Violence, Ethos of Conflict and Support for Compromise: Survey in Israel, East Jerusalem, West Bank, and in Gaza
Journal of Conflict Resolution.
Canetti, Daphna. 2017.
Emotional Distress, Conflict Ideology, and Radicalization
PS: Political Science & Politics.
Canetti, Daphna, Hirsch-Hoefler, Sivan, Rapaport, Carmit, Lowe, Robert, Muldoon Orla. 2017.
Psychological Barriers to a Peaceful Resolution: Longitudinal Evidence from the Middle East and Northern Ireland
Studies in Conflict and Terrorism.
Gross, L. Michael, Canetti, Daphna, Vashdi, R. Dana 2017.
Cyber Terrorism: Its Effects on Psychological Well Being, Public Confidence and Political Attitudes
Journal of Cyber Security.
Canetti, Daphna, Hirschberger, Gilad. Rapaport, Carmit, Elad-Strenger, Julia, Ein-Dor, Tsachi, Rosenzveig, Shifra, Hobfoll, Stevan E., Pyszczynski, Tom. 2016.
Collective Trauma from the Real World to the Lab: The Effects of the Holocaust on Contemporary Israeli Political Cognitions
Political Psychology.
Canetti, Daphna, Snider, Keren LG, Pederson, Anne, Hall, J. Brian. 2016.
Ideology Effect? Threat and Policy toward Asylum Seekers in Israel and Australia
Journal of Refugee Studies
Rosshandler, Yasmin, Brian J. Hall, and Canetti, Daphna. 2016.
An Application of an Ecological Framework to Understand Risk Factors of PTSD Due to Prolonged Conflict Exposure: Israeli and Palestinian Adolescents in the Line of Fire
Psychological Trauma: Theory, Research, Practice, and Policy.
Canetti, Daphna, Kimhi, Shaul, Hanoun, Rasmiya, Rocha, Gabriel, Galea, Sandro, Morgan, A. Charles. 2016.
How Personality Affects Vulnerability among Israelis and Palestinians following the 2009 Gaza Conflict
Hou, Wai Kai, Lau, Kam Man, Ng, Sin Man, Hall, Brian J, Canetti, Daphna, Agnes Iok Fong Lam, Hobfoll, Stevan. E. 2016.
Social Media and Mental Health in Democracy Movement in Hong Kong: A Population-based Study
Computers in Human Behavior.
Zalta, Alison, K., Gerhart, James, Hall, Brian, Rajan, Kumar. B., Vechiu, Catalina, Canetti, Daphna, Hobfoll, S.E. 2016.
Self-reported posttraumatic growth predicts greater subsequent posttraumatic stress amidst war and terrorism
Anxiety, Stress, & Coping.
Hall, Brian. J. Murray, Sarah. M. Galea, Sandro. Canetti, Daphna. Hobfoll, Stevan E. 2015.
Loss of social resources predicts incident posttraumatic stress disorder during ongoing political violence within the Palestinian Authority
Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology.
Massey, Zohar. Chartier, Keren G. Stebbins, Mary. Shuval, Kerem. Canetti, Daphna. Hobfoll, Stevan E. 2015.
Variables Predicting Alcohol Use among Jews and Arabs in Israel following Exposure to Terrorist Attacks
Addictive Behaviors.
Hall, Brian.J. Saltzman Layne. Canetti, Daphna. Hobfoll, Stevan. E. 2015.
A longitudinal investigation of the relationship between posttraumatic stress symptoms and posttraumatic growth in a cohort of Israeli Jews and Palestinians during ongoing violence
Hou, Wai Kai. Hall, Brian J. Canetti, Daphna. Lau, Kam Man. Ng, Sin Man. Hobfoll, Stevan. E. 2015.
Threat to democracy: Physical and mental health impact of democracy movement in Hong Kong
Journal of Affective Disorders .
Sivan Hirsch-Hoefler, Daphna Canetti & Ehud Eiran. 2015.
Radicalizing Religion? Religious Identity and Settlers Behavior
Studies in Conflict and Terrorism.
Longo, Matthew, Canetti, Daphna. Hite-Rubin, Nancy. 2014.
A Checkpoint Effect? Evidence from a Natural Experiment on Travel Restrictions in the West Bank
American Journal of Political Science.
Canetti, Daphna. Russ, Eric U. Luborsky, Judith. Hobfoll, Stevan E. Gerhart, James. 2014.
Inflamed by the Flames? The Impact of Terrorism and War on Immunity
Journal of Traumatic Stress.
Lavi, Iris. Canetti, Daphna. Sharvit, Keren. Bar-Tal, Daniel. Hobfoll, Stevan E. 2014.
Protected by Ethos in a Protracted Conflict? A Comparative Study among Israelis and Palestinians in the West Bank, Gaza, and East Jerusalem
Journal of Conflict Resolution.
Gerhart, James. I. . Hall, Brian J. Russ, Eric U. Canetti, Daphna. & Hobfoll, Stevan .E. 2014.
Sleep disturbances predict later trauma-related distress: Cross panel investigation amidst violent turmoil
Health Psychology.
Hirsch-Hoefler, Sivan. Canetti Daphna. Rapaport, Carmit. Hobfoll, Stevan E. 2014.
Conflict will Harden your Heart: Exposure to Violence, Psychological Distress, and Peace Barriers in Israel and Palestine
British Journal of Political Science.
Kane, C. Jeremy. Rapaport, Carmit. Zalta, Alyson. Canetti, Daphna. Hobfoll, Stevan E. Hall, Brian J. 2014.
Regular drinking may strengthen the beneficial influence of social support on depression: Findings from a representative Israeli sample during a period of war and terrorism
Drug and Alcohol Dependence.
Canetti, Daphna, Hirsch-Hoefler, Sivan, Eiran, Ehud. 2014.
Suffer the Children
Foreign Affairs.
Canetti, Daphna. Hall, Brian J. Greene, Talya. Kane, C. Jeremy. Hobfoll, Stevan E. 2014.
Improving Mental Health is a Key Catalyst for Reducing Political Violence in Israel and Gaza
The Lancet.
Heath, M. Nicole, Hall, Brian J., Canetti, Daphna. Hobfoll, Stevan E. 2013.
Exposure to Political Violence, Psychological Distress, Resource Loss, and Benefit Finding as Predictors of Domestic Violence among Palestinians
Psychological Trauma.
Canetti, Daphna, Waismel-Manor, Israel, Cohen, Naor. Rapaport, Carmit. 2013.
What Does National Resilience Mean in a Democracy? Evidence from the United States and Israel
Armed Forces and Society.
Canetti, Daphna. Hall, Brian J. Rapaport, Carmit. Wayne, Carly. 2013.
Exposure to terrorism and Political extremism: a stress-based process
European Psychologist.
Hobfoll Stevan E., Hall, Brian J., Canetti Daphna. 2012.
Political Violence, Psychological Distress, and Perceived Health: A Longitudinal Investigation in the Palestinian Authority
Psychological Trauma.
Heath, Nicole, Hall, Brian J., Canetti, Daphna. Russ, Eric. Hobfoll, Stevan E. 2012.
Reciprocal Relationships between Resource Loss and Psychological Distress Following Exposure to Political Violence: An Empirical Investigation of COR Theory’s Loss Spirals
Anxiety, Stress & Coping.
Halperin, Eran, Canetti, Daphna, Kimhi, Shaul. 2012.
In Love with Hatred: Rethinking the Role Hatred Plays in Political Behavior
Journal of Applied Social Psychology.
Hobfoll, Stevan E., Johnson, Robert J., Canetti, Daphna, Palmieri, Patrick, Hall, Brian J., Lavi, Iris. 2011.
Can People Remain Engaged and Vigorous in the Face of Trauma? Palestinians in the Palestinian Authority
Psychiatry: Interpersonal and Biological Processes.
Chipman, Katie J.. Palmieri, Patrick. Canetti, Daphna. Johnson, Robert J. Hobfoll, Stevan E. 2011.
Predictors of posttraumatic stress-related impairment in victims of terrorism and ongoing conflict in Israel
Anxiety, Stress, & Coping.
Hobfoll, Stevan E. Mancini, Anthony, Hall, Brian J.. Canetti, Daphna. Bonanno. George, A. 2011.
The Limits of Resilience: Distress Following Chronic Political Violence among Palestinians
Social Science and Medicine.
Hobfoll, Stevan E., Canetti, Daphna, Hall, Brian J., Brom, Danny, Palmieri, Patrick, A., Johnson, Robert, J., Pat-Horenczyk, Ruth, Galea, Sandro. 2011.
Are Community Studies of Trauma's Impact Exaggerated? A Study among Jews and Palestinians
Psychological Assessment.
Hirsch-Hoefler, Sivan, Canetti, Daphna, Pedahzur, Ami, 2010.
Two of a Kind? Voting Motivations for Populist Radical Right and Religious Fundamentalist Parties
Electoral Studies.
Canetti, Daphna, Galea, Sandro, Hall, Brian J., Johnson, Robert J., Palmieri, A. Patrick, Hobfoll, Stevan E. 2010. Exposure to prolonged socio-political conflict and the risk of PTSD and Depression among Palestinians
Psychiatry - Interpersonal and Biological Processes.
Hall, Brian J., Hobfoll, Stevan. E., Canetti, Daphna, Johnson, Robert J., Palmieri, Patrick, Galea, Sandro. 2010. Exploring the Association between Posttraumatic Growth and PTSD: A National Study of Jews and Arabs during the 2006 Israeli-Hezbollah War
Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease.
Hobfoll, Stevan E., Hall, Brian J., Canetti, Daphna. 2010.
Political Violence, Psychological Distress, and Perceived Health in a Representative Sample of Palestinians
Psychological Trauma.
Canetti, Daphna, Hobfoll, Stevan E., Pedahzur, Ami, Zaidise, Eran. 2010.
Much Ado about Religiosity: Heightened Support for Political Violence by Failure to Conserve
Journal of Peace Research.
Weder, Natalie, Garcia-Nieto, Rebeca, Canetti, Daphna.2010.
Peace, Reconciliation and Tolerance in the Middle East: The Impact of People-to-People Peace Building Initiatives among Israeli Jews and Palestinians who lost a first -degree family member due to the conflict-A pilot study
International Journal of Mental Health.
Palmieri, P.A., Chipman, K.J., Canetti, Daphna, Johnson, Robert.J., & Hobfoll, Stevan E. 2010.
Prevalence and correlates of sleep problems in adult Israeli Jews exposed to actual or threatened terrorist or rocket attacks
Journal of Clinical Sleep Medicine.
Canetti, Daphna, Halperin, Eran, Sharvit, Keren, Hobfoll, Stevan E. 2009.
A New Stress-Based Model of Political Extremism: Personal Exposure to Terrorism, Psychological Distress and Exclusionist Political Attitudes
Journal of Conflict Resolution.
Hobfoll, Stevan E, Palmieri, Patrick A. Johnson, Robert J, Canetti-Nisim, Daphna, Hall,. Brian J. Galea, Sandro. 2009.
Trajectories of Resilience, Resistance and Distress during Ongoing Terrorism: The Case of Jews and Arabs in Israel
Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology.
Kimhi, Shaul. Canetti-Nisim, Daphna, Hirschberger, Gilad. 2009.
Terrorism in the Eyes of the Beholders: The Impact of Causal Attributions on Perceptions of Violence
Peace and Conflict: Journal of Peace Psychology.
Halperin, Eran, Canetti-Nisim, Daphna, Hirsch-Hoefler, Sivan. 2009.
The Central Role of Group‐Based Hatred as an Emotional Antecedent of Political Intolerance: Evidence from Israel
Political Psychology.
Canetti, Daphna, Halperin, Eran, Hobfoll, Stevan E., Shapira, Oren, Hirsch-Hoefler, Sivan 2009. Authoritarianism, perceived threat and exclusionism on the eve of the Disengagement: Evidence from Gaza
International Journal of Intercultural Relations.
Halperin, Eran, Canetti, Daphna, Hobfoll, Stevan E., Johnson, Robert J. 2009.
Xenophobia towards Palestinian citizens of Israel among Russian immigrants in Israel: Heightened by failure to make gains in a new democratic society
Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies.
Johnson, Robert, J., Canetti, Daphna, Palmieri, Patrick, A., Galea, Sandro, Varley, Joseph, Hobfoll, Stevan, E. 2009.
A Prospective Study of Risk and Resilience Factors Associated with Posttraumatic Stress Symptoms and Depression Symptoms among Jews and Arabs Exposed to Repeated Acts of Terrorism in Israel
Psychological Trauma.
Hall, Brian J., Hobfoll, Stevan E., Canetti, Daphna, Johnson, Robert J., Galea, Sandro. 2009.
The Defensive Nature of Benefit Finding During Ongoing Terrorism: An Examination of a National Sample of Israeli Jews
Journal of Social and Clinical Psychology.
Ben-Dor, Gabriel, Pedahzur, Ami, Canetti-Nisim, Daphna, Zaidise, Eran. Perliger, Arie. Bermanis, Shai. 2008.
I vs. We: Collective and Individual Factors of Reserve Service Motivation during War and Peace
Armed Forces & Society.
Canetti-Nisim, Daphna, Beit-Hallahmi, Benjamin. 2007.
The Effects of Authoritarianism, Religiosity, and "New Age" Beliefs on Support for Democracy: Unraveling the Strands
Review of Religious Research.
Canetti-Nisim, Daphna, Ariely, Gal, Halperin, Eran. 2008.
Life, Pocketbook, or Culture: The Role of Perceived Security Threats in Promoting Exclusionist Political Attitudes towards Minorities in Israel
Political Research Quarterly.
Winner of the Award for the best paper presented at the Political Psychology Division, the American Political Science Association Meeting
Tracy, Melissa, Hobfoll, Stevan E., Canetti-Nisim, Daphna, Galea, Sandro. 2008.
Predictors of depressive symptoms among Israeli Jews and Arabs during the Al Aqsa Intifada: A population-based cohort study
Annals of Epidemiology.
Hall, Brian J., Hobfoll, Stevan E., Palmieri, Patrick, Canetti-Nisim, Daphna, Shapira, Oren, and Galea, Sandro (2008).
Psychological Sequelae of Settler Displacement from Gaza: the role of posttraumatic growth
Journal of Traumatic Stress.
Hobfoll, Stevan E., Canetti-Nisim, Daphna, Johnson, Robert. Varley, Joseph. Galea, Sandro. 2008.
The Association of Exposure, Risk and Resiliency Factors with PTSD among Jews and Arabs Exposed to Repeated Acts of Terrorism in Israel
Journal of Traumatic Stress.
Palmieri, Patrick, Canetti-Nisim, Daphna, Galea, Sandro, Hobfoll, Stevan E. 2008.
The Psychological Impact of the Israel-Hezbollah War on Jews and Arabs in Israel: The Impact of Risk and Resilience Factors
Social Science & Medicine.
Shnabel, Nurit. Nadler, Arie. Canetti-Nisim, Daphna, Ullrich, Johannes. 2008.
The Role of Acceptance and Empowerment in Promoting Reconciliation from the Perspective of the Needs-based Model
Social Issues and Policy Review.
Halperin, Eran, Pedahzur, Ami, Canetti-Nisim, Daphna. 2007.
Psycho-Economic Approaches to the Study of Hostile Attitudes towards Minority Groups: A Study among Israeli Jews
Social Science Quarterly.
Johnson Robert J., Hobfoll Stevan E., Hall Brian J., Canetti-Nisim Daphna, Galea Sandro, Palmieri Patrick. 2007. Response. Post Traumatic Growth: Action and Reaction
Applied Psychology: An International Review.
Hobfoll Stevan E., Hall, Brian J., Canetti-Nisim Daphna, Galea, Sandro, Johnson, Robert J., Palmieri Patrick. 2007.
Refining our Understanding of Traumatic Growth in the Face of Terrorism: Moving from Meaning Cognitions to what is Meaningful
Applied Psychology: An International Review.
Halperin, Eran, Canetti-Nisim, Daphna, Pedahzur, Ami. 2007.
Threatened by the uncontrollable: psychological and socio-economic antecedents of social distance towards Labor Migrants
International Journal of Intercultural Relations.
Tracy, Melissa, Hoboll, Stevan E., Canetti-Nisim, Daphna, Galea, Sandro. 2007.
Depressive Symptoms in a Population Exposed to Ongoing Terrorism
American Journal of Epidemiology.
Zaidise, Eran, Canetti-Nisim, Daphna, Pedahzur, Ami. 2007.
Politics of God or Politics of Man? The Role of Religion and Deprivation in Predicting Support for Political Violence in Israel
Political Studies.
Perliger, Arie. Canetti-Nisim, Daphna. Pedahzur, Ami. 2006.
Democratic Attitudes among High-School Pupils: The Role Played by Perceptions of Class Climate
School Effectiveness and School Improvement.
Canetti-Nisim, Daphna, Mesch, Gustavo, Pedahzur, Ami. 2006.
Victimization from Terrorist Attacks: Randomness or Routine Activities?
Terrorism and Political Violence.
Hobfoll, Stevan E., Canetti-Nisim, Daphna, Johnson, Robert J. 2006.
Exposure to Terrorism, Stress-Related Mental Health Symptoms, and Defensive Coping among Jews and Arabs in Israel
Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology.
Canetti-Nisim, Daphna. 2004.
The Effect of Religiosity on Endorsement of Democratic Values: The Mediating Influence of Authoritarianism
Political Behavior.
Winner of the Roberta Sigel Award for the best paper presented at the International Society for Political Psychology annual meeting authored by junior scholars.
Pedahzur, Ami. Hirsch, Sivan. Canetti-Nisim, Daphna. 2004.
Whose Victory? An Empirical Analysis of the Popular Votes for the Right-Wing Camp in the 2003 Elections
Israel Affairs.