About Me
I am a professor of political psychology and the Dean of the Herta and Paul Amir Faculty of Social Sciences at the University of Haifa. My research focuses on the micro-foundations of political conflicts in the Middle East and elsewhere. I am particularly interested in the impact of individual-level exposure to cyber-terrorism and political violence on war/peace attitudes. I study psycho-political responses to multiple acts of political violence and terrorism. Methodologically, I use controlled randomized field experiments, spatial analysis, survey experiments, bio-political and physiological-political research.
I have received over $3 million in research grants to study people in conflict zones. Grantors include the Israel Science Foundation, United States-Israel Binational Science Foundation, Yale’s McMillan Center, Yale’s institution for Social and Policy Studies, Israel Ministry of Science, Technology, and Space, “Start” project, and the National Institutes of Health. I serve on the editorial boards of The Journal of Political Psychology, Journal of Peace Research, and the Journal of Conflict Resolution. I was a Fulbright Fellow and a Visiting Fellow at the Helen Kellogg Institute for International Studies, Notre Dame University, as well as a Rice Family Foundation Visiting Professor at the Council on Middle East Studies, the MacMillan Center and the Department of Political Science, Yale University. My awards include the International Society of Political Psychology’s Erik Erikson Early Career Award and Roberta Sigel Award, and the American Political Science Association’s award for Best Paper.
I have written widely on the psychological reactions to war, violence and terrorism, and published in journals such as American Journal of Political Science, Journal of Conflict Resolution, Political Behavior, Political Psychology, Psychiatry – Interpersonal and Biological Processes, Political Studies, Political Research Quarterly, Armed Forces & Society, Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, Electoral Studies, Journal of Peace Research.
When I’m not chasing missing cortisol samples across checkpoints in the West Bank and Gaza, I enjoy chillaxing with my family, cycling and running.